Big Bad Wolf (The Others Book 2) Mass Market Paperback
Big Bad Wolf
Christine Warren
* * *
Praise for New York Times bestselling author
Christine Warren
One Bite with a Stranger
“Christine Warren has masterfully pulled together vampires, shape-shifters, demons, and many ‘Others’ to create a tantalizing world of dark fantasies come to life. Way to go, Warren!”
—Night Owl Romance
“A sinful treat.”
—Romance Junkies
“Hot fun and great sizzle.”
—Romantic Times BOOKreviews
“A hot, hot novel.”
—A Romance Review
Walk on the Wild Side
“A seductive tale with strong chemistry, roiling emotions, steamy romance, and supernatural action. The fast-moving plot . . . will keep the readers’ attention riveted through every page, and have them eagerly watching for the next installment.”
—Darque Reviews
“There’s no shortage of sexy sizzle.”
—Romantic Times BOOKreviews (4 ½ stars)
“Christine Warren is amazingly talented and continues to show this in her latest novel . . . undisputedly a masterpiece of written talent and definitely a five hearts book!”
—Night Owl Romance Book Reviews
“Artfully realized tale with amazing characters and intriguing plots.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
Howl at the Moon
“Warren delivers a rapidly paced tale that pits duty against honor and love. Populated with intriguing characters who continue to grow and develop, it is fun to see familiar faces in new scenarios. This is a world that is always worth visiting!”
—Romantic Times BOOKreviews
“A fantastic addition to the world of The Others . . . grab a copy as soon as possible. Christine Warren does a wonderful job of writing a book that meshes perfectly with the storylines of the others in the series, yet stands alone perfectly.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Warren weaves a paranormal world of werewolves, shifters, witches, humans, demons, and a whole lot more with a unique hand for combining all the paranormal classes.”
—Night Owl Romance
“Howl at the Moon will tug at a wide range of emotions from beginning to end . . . Engaging banter, a strong emotional connection, and steamy love scenes. This talented author delivers real emotion which results in delightful interactions . . . and the realistic dialogue is stimulating. Christine Warren knows how to write a winner!”
—Romance Junkies
The Demon You Know
“Explodes with sexy, devilish fun, exploring the further adventures of the Others. With a number of the gang from previous books back, there’s an immediate familiarity about this world that makes it easy to dive right into. Warren’s storytelling style makes these books remarkably entertaining.”
—Romantic Times BOOKreviews (4 ½ stars)
She’s No Faerie Princess
“Warren has fast become one of the premier authors of rich paranormal thrillers elaborately laced with scorching passion. When you want your adventure hot, Warren is the one for you!”
—Romantic Times BOOKreviews
“The dialogue is outrageous, funny, and clever. The characters are so engaging and well scripted . . . and the plot . . . is as scary as it is delicious!”
—Romance Reader at Heart
“Christine Warren has penned a story rich in fantastic characters and spellbinding plots.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
Wolf at the Door
“A great start to a unique paranormal series.”
—Fresh Fiction
“This book is a fire-starter . . . a fast-paced, adrenaline- and hormonally-charged tale. The writing is fluid and fun, and makes the characters all take on life-like characteristics.”
—Romance Reader at Heart
“Intrigue, adventure, and red-hot sexual tension.”
—USA Today bestselling author Julie Kenner
St. Martin’s Paperbacks Titles
By Christine Warren
Big Bad Wolf
You’re So Vein
One Bite with a Stranger
Walk on the Wild Side
Howl at the Moon
The Demon You Know
She’s No Faerie Princess
Wolf at the Door
Christine Warren
St. Martin’s Paperbacks
NOTE: If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book.”
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Copyright © 2009 by Christine Warren.
All rights reserved.
For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
ISBN: 978-0-312-94795-8
Printed in the United States of America
St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / October 2009
St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
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Abstinence wouldn’t be quite so bad, Graham decided, if not for the lack of sex.
Nursing his fifth scotch and wishing it were a fifth of scotch, the alpha of the Silverback Clan of New York City spent his Saturday night in a manner no self-respecting werewolf should ever have to endure—single and celibate.
At least he didn’t have to spend it alone, he reflected, although the type of companionship he could expect to find at his friends’ post-wedding engagement party left a lot to be desired. A bit long in the tooth for his taste. Graham preferred women who hadn’t been painting the town red back when his ancestors still thought of the cotton gin as a newfangled contraption. Plus, seeing that he’d just broken off his on-again-off-again relationship with one particular vampire, he didn’t feel any great compulsion to go start a new one. Immortal women all seemed to be just a little too demanding.
Why he bothered to sulk here in the corner, rather than excusing himself and getting out there to meet the Lupine woman of his dreams, remained a mystery. He couldn’t blame a fear of commitment like so many human men seemed to do. Werewolves relished the idea of a mate-bond and lived to beget lots of new generations of baby Lupines, and even Graham looked forward to the day when he would rear his own cubs in the traditions of his clan and his ancestors. Commitment sounded just fine to him. It wasn’t fear that had him in this mood; it was boredom.
Graham suffered from a huge, honking case of the same old–same olds. Everywhere he looked, he saw the same faces, the same habits, heard the same gossip, and seduced the same women. Oh, their names and hair color might change, but deep down, they were all the same to him. The realization depressed him. What had happened to the carefree, rakish wolf he used to be? These days he acted more like a priest than a playboy.
He blamed the women, of course. What other reason was there for an attractive, healthy Lupine in his prime to suddenly go cold turkey from the pleasures of sex? He still enjoyed the act, after all, so his problem wasn’t physical. Never in his life had he experienced any problem getting an erection when the situation called for one. He had no trouble getting it up, but lately he’d had a bit
ch of a time getting it back down, and that he blamed on his partners.
If he remained dissatisfied after a sweaty, breathless romp, he must be romping with the wrong woman, right? The conclusion sounded logical to him. As long as he ignored the fact that he’d been lucky enough to sample some pretty amazing women.
Take Natalie for instance. The blond vampire he’d recently broken off with made most supermodels look like sideshow freaks. With her pale hair, pale skin, and radiant blue eyes—not to mention the body of a Venus—she looked like an angel sent to earth to reward the truly righteous. The fact that she had the morals of an alley cat and the ruthless ambition of Napoléon Bonaparte explained why she’d spent the last three months writhing beneath Graham instead of singing in a heavenly choir. No one had ever accused him of being righteous, or even true.
The point was that he had no reason to be bored. Natalie knew sexual tricks to put a houri to shame and had the stamina of an undead Olympic athlete. She was willing to try anything, no matter how depraved, and if it got her off, she’d do it again until she could give lessons to the experts. How in God’s name could he have gotten sick of that?
He didn’t know, but he had.
He’d gotten sick of all the women, and all modesty aside, Graham Winters had had a lot of women. Some were little more than one-night stands, some recurrent companions, and some, like Natalie, had bordered on casual relationships, but none managed to hold his interest for more than a few weeks. The only reason Nat had lasted so long had more to do with his disinclination to deal with the fit he’d known she’d throw than with any real desire to keep her around. He’d tried just about anything he could think of to spice up their last few weeks together, but eventually even exotic tricks hadn’t been able to keep his interest.
When he’d started leaving all-night orgies with his muscles trembling in exhaustion and his dick still hard as a pike, he had thrown in the towel. Now that he knew no woman could satisfy him, he saw no reason to keep torturing himself with sex that wore him out everywhere but where it counted. That had led to Natalie’s dismissal, complete with the expected and unpleasant scene, and eventually to this—his thirteenth night of celibacy, spent in Dmitri’s living room celebrating his friend’s post-wedding engagement party.
Taking another sip of liquid fire, Graham glanced around the room and wondered how much longer etiquette required him to stay. He viewed Dmitri as a brother, and he genuinely liked Regina, so he was glad to share in the celebration, especially since he’d had to duck out on his best-man duties at their reception in order to deal with a fire in the kitchen of the nightclub he owned. What he wasn’t so glad of was the speculative glances currently being aimed in his direction by a large number of the room’s single—and some not-so-single—women. He worked at ignoring their interest, but he knew it was only a matter of time before one of them decided to lay off the staring and make a move.
“I vote for the redhead. She looks like the type who’s ready for anything. Plus I don’t think she’s wearing panties.”
His friend and beta appeared at Graham’s side, carrying a dark brown beer bottle and wearing a repressed smile. Logan Hunter knew all about Graham’s predicament and seemed to find it amusing. Graham shot him a narrow look.
“She never does,” he grumbled. “But I doubt Shelley is going to put the make on me, not after the last time we went out.”
“Did you spill a drink on her dress or something?”
Graham shook his head. “I criticized her, um, technique.”
Logan winced around a chuckle. “Ouch. Okay, maybe not the redhead then.” He glanced back to where Shelley stood, whispering to a couple of other women. “Could be her friend, the one almost wearing the green dress. Do you think those are real?”
“On vampires, they’re always real. They can’t afford to bleed out during surgery just to get implants.” He gave the other woman an assessing look. “Besides, not even silicone can make tits that firm. Hildie works out.”
Raising his beer for a drink, Logan rolled his eyes. “And I’m sure you’d know. But you could at least make an effort. Lady knows you need to do something to lighten your mood. What the hell is up with you tonight anyway?”
“Three guesses,” Graham muttered. “I’ll even spot you the first two.”
Logan grimaced. “Shit. Curtis.”
“Right both times.”
“What’s he done now?”
“Same old, same old. This week he tried to get Bill Lakeland to take an interest in examining the validity of the challenge Dad and I fought when he decided to retire and leave the business of alpha to me.”
Logan nearly choked on his beer. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I wish.”
“I don’t care how many packs consider Bill an expert of the traditional procedures for alpha challenges, you took that fight fair and square. Your father wouldn’t even cut your mother any slack in a challenge ring, let alone the son he raised to continue his family dynasty!”
“You know that, and I know that . . .”
“And so does anyone who was there watching. You took that challenge fairly and by the skin of your teeth. For a few minutes, I wondered if both of you were going to leave the circle alive.”
Graham’s mouth twisted. “So did we.”
“So how does he figure he can protest the outcome?”
“Beats me. I doubt he thought he’d really get anywhere with that kind of nonsense. Chances are he was just pulling my chain.”
“And how long has that been his favorite hobby?”
“Let’s see. I’m thirty-four and Curtis is seven years younger, so . . .” Graham pursed his lips and pretended to think. “About twenty-seven years, I think.”
Logan nodded. “And you did what to set him off again?”
“Be born first, be my father’s son, and be more of a Lupine than he’ll ever be?”
“Right. So you’re just going to go on ignoring him?”
“That’s the plan.” Graham saw the disgust in his friend’s expression and smiled. “Trust me, it’s easier to ignore him than it is to dignify his idiocy with a response. If I got worked up every time he pulled a stupid stunt just to piss me off, I’d be the first Lupine in recorded medical history to have to take blood pressure medication.”
Logan sighed. “True enough.” He took a long pull on his beer and gave the room another thorough glance. “Which means that you could definitely use a distraction tonight. So? Who’s it going to be.”
“No one.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m not in the mood for a woman.”
“You know, you’ve been saying that with distressing regularity lately, my friend,” Logan pointed out. “I don’t know about your blood pressure, but you might want to talk to a doctor about your libido if this keeps up.”
Graham glared at him. “There’s nothing wrong with my libido. It’s not me; it’s the women. Haven’t you noticed they’re all the same?”
“Well, where it counts, I suppose. . . .”
“That’s not what I mean. Or maybe it is. I don’t know. I just know I’m . . . bored.” He gestured around the room with his whiskey glass. “Not a fresh face in sight.”
“Since when do you go for a fresh face? I thought you were an ass man.”
“Since I realized I’d seen all of these faces a hundred times before.”
“Come on,” Logan chided. “There has to be a woman here you haven’t slept with.”
“She doesn’t count. Dmitri would break your legs, wait a couple of hours for them to heal, then break them again. And after that, he might get cranky. I’m talking about the rest of them. The ones who aren’t married to your best friend, and aren’t from our pack, since they’re all practically family.”
Graham took a quick look around, followed by a longer look. On his third sweep of the assembled crowd, he stopped and pointed toward a grouping of furniture occupied by three very attr
active females. “There,” he said. “Those three. I haven’t slept with a single one of them.”
Logan followed his gesture and sighed. “Yeah. Regina’s closest friends, who are probably the only human women here tonight, and we both know you don’t do humans.”
A grin flashed across Graham’s face. “I thought about doing the one on the right. Ava. She’s the one Dmitri had me staking out before he changed Regina. I came real close to watching her from the other side of a pillow, instead of from the front seat of my car. But she’s human.”
“According to anyone who’s ever done business with her, that’s just a front. She’s really a shark.”
Graham shrugged. “Anyway, you asked who I hadn’t slept with. They’re it.”
“Just those three.”
“I think so.” Draining his glass, Graham scanned the room one last time, dismissing each of the women he passed. His eyes never seemed to pause more than half a second on any of them, no matter how attractive or how skimpily dressed, until they drifted over one curvaceous female bottom and skidded to a grinding halt.
He could almost smell rubber burning.
His eyes caressed the full, generous lines of her backside encased in a form-fitting skirt of some clingy black material. The fabric draped over that delectable tush, showing him each rounded curve in heart-stopping detail. To his surprise, he couldn’t tell if she was wearing panties, but unlike Shelley’s lack of lingerie, the idea of this woman bare beneath her dress aroused more than just his curiosity.
“And her,” he growled, all his attention focused on the woman whose face he still hadn’t seen. If it looked half as good as what he had seen, he’d be a very happy man. “I haven’t had her. Yet.”